javascript add option to select if not exists

scrollIntoView() is not a function upon page load? Add class to element if it does not already exists with JavaScript Add data attribute to element in JavaScript Add CSS class to body with JavaScript Add class to parent element in JavaScript Toggle fullscreen and normal mode with JavaScript Play video in fullscreen with vanilla JavaScript Select HTML elements by CSS selectors in vanilla JavaScript Double-sided tape maybe? The `zig build` command now makes `@import("@Dependencies")` available to the build runner package. The second call takes that value (either the same value, or an empty string), and sets it again, either keeping the value in place (if it exists), otherwise returning to the default (first) option. You could achieve this with a simple for loop: JS Perf comparison of both mine and Sime Vidas' answer, run because I thought his looked a little more understandable/intuitive than mine and I wondered how that would translate into implementation. How can I change an element's class with JavaScript? This website uses cookies. Marketing cookies are used to track visitors across websites. how to dynamically add options to an existing select in vanilla javascript, Add options to Select2 after inititialzation, User is able to add option to dropdown list by typing it in a text box. .append($('