NTA. I think the ONLY thing you could do was uninvite them. Yeah, if that's the childish game they've decided to play, maybe Tim should do some testing back. And that goes for you mom as well, because she's actually taking up for your dad, WTF?!? Who thought it was a great idea for an asthmatic person to go on a 3 day trip with 4 individuals who had already slashed his tires to "see what type of man he is"? Lets kill his dog to see if he burys his emotions like a real man! They arent messing up, they know exactly what theyre doing. Somehow, they dont understand how serious their actions are. Yeah i would have been off the fence after the tires. Who wants to be with someone who doesn't support them or back them up? NTA - do NOT let these awful people come to your wedding. "My stepdad did what he could "I literally freaked out because I definitely want my brothers to be at my wedding so badly and I tried A woman has been slammed after uninviting her stepdad from her wedding, . Right now, do not pass go, do not collect $200. Or things kids do not realizing how serious it can be. Pranks and teasing are one thing. You would at least need someone to take you to the store. It's past time for you to stand up for yourself and him. The first year i was on the rocks with my mom so i invited my dad and his gf, the next year however i was good with everyone and invited my mom and my dad. Im on the road at 3:30am in NYC so mass transit isnt safe at that time. It doesn't look dangerous to them when you're wheezing from an attack. Rip out the engines with a crane/lift and angle-grinder, to see if they fix it themself or they are lazy people.. That's idiotic. YTA for letting this happen to your fianc. Not the husbands. REAL men's lips turn red like the blood of our poached kill!!". They are treating him like garbage. I agree because it will only get worse and what if they have kids? Fuck that that's why I have AAA. Hey OP, your family sucks big time. NTA. When I got engaged to my boyfriend who is a city kid who makes a living in the arts, they hugged him. He still went camping with them after months (years?) less likely to seek out mental healthcare, source: 40+ years of experience at the sharp end, and a couple of dozen responses to "Help! Just not worth the hassle for someone who won't even bother standing up for you until your life is in danger. Assuming the sides of the tires were cut there is no plugging those. pranks have no lasting impact, aside from a shared laugh in the future. Family should be loving, welcoming, and supportive first, and then if they have concerns about the way they see him treating you they have a talk with you about it. I was pinching pennies for a good chunk of that trip. The moment they started with their shit you should have put a stop to it. You need to put a stop to it and you should have put a stop it long time ago. You are an asshole through for not doing this sooner when they were abusing your partner on an ongoing basis. . Slashing tires and hiding necessary medical equipment are not 'pranks'- they are being wilfully malicious to your fiancee and attempting to pass it off as pranking so you don't call them out for their less-than-human behavior. What theyre doing is ritualised abuse motivated by toxic masculinity. If everyone isn't laughing at the end of something, it's not a prank, it's bullying. Die on this hill. Often time these kids grow up and explain that they behaved badly to get attention diverted from abuse of other people in the home. Having just recovered from an asthma attack a day ago, I can attest that asthma is no joke. You say that, but you never see a photo of a neanderthal with an inhaler. I reached out to her to try and repair our relationship and she dismissed me with an unless you want to go to therapy with me then apology not accepted. This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. You really ought to either go LC or NC altogether. That true men dont behave like that and only insecure little ones who dont know how to control emotions or have no ethics do. OP How do you not see that these people are psychopaths?! Hiding an inhaler when away from home could be fatal. I hate to say it, but she set him up for it. Do they realize that your fiance could have died? I honestly think ESH. NTA but uninviting them to the wedding is the bare minimum response. Honey, you are merely the first to cut him off, so you will suffer for it from family who will see you as the wrong doer and try to get you back into his clutches, but gradually others will also become disillusioned and see your example and also cut him off and things will get better. These are crimes, not pranks, and for adults to feed off each other like this is incredibly disturbing. NTA and personally I'd go no contact. This reads like the first 2 acts of a horror movie. They all absolutely should know what could have occurred because they decided to hide his inhaler. And talking about seeing your life moving forward how will you feel when they start this pranking with your future kids? They are immature, idiot morons He's been through enough hazing and taken it in stride for YOUR sake. I agree with other posters here, they are bullies, not pranksters. Bygones can't be bygones until the situation has been resolved. He TOLD ME that hed be taking my car and I should take the train. Like seriously, do you have any idea what it's like not be able to to breathe? Sheesh.. As a registered nurse, all I can say is that is despicable and they could have potentially put his life in danger. They never thought lesser of me for being a woman, or my best friend for being gay. You need to take your fianc and get the hell away from the pack, because theyre already turning on you now that youre stepping out of line and it will only get more vicious. This is straight up hazing. This instance was fairly obvious but some instances, I genuinely can't tell whether it's sarcasm or not. I wouldve made them pay me the full cost of buying a new inhaler to replace the old one. Ask your dad how he feels about the respect that you and Tim have lost for him as a human being?? NTA its bullshit toxic masculinity, men do not test each other like this unless they have frail egos themselves. Your family is really toxic. I'm really scared that your family will accidentally kill someone with this mentality. I remember when I was a child- the feeling of pure panic when I couldnt breathe, trying to gasp for air but everytime I took even a shallow breath in it triggered a coughing fit. They really think that's normal? Water boarding? For real. Whaaaat?! He couldve literally died for a prank. Me, who has autism and still got that: N0oBs, Thank you. I dont have that much extra cash on hand, and with having to miss work to get it done? They gave him a likely impossible task just to haze her partner. Hiding his inhaler and trying to kill/risk his life. You never mention where you stand, but Im willing to bet that if they dont line up, you probably wont enjoy their company much. They don't know the severity of his condition and could have KILLED HIM. Youre NTA, but if you dont take this stand, Tim will leave you. I told him no because I need to go to work. Hiding an inhaler can cause DEATH. totally agree. Have a list and a security guard and be ready to call the police if they show up. They've shown they aren't capable, loving, supportive people. (jfc the warped mentality has me spinning). Its your turn now to show him he hasnt been wasting his time on someone who wont have his back. Yeah, shes a damn hero /s. We haven't spoken in months at this point which was quite standard but I invited him to attend. Am I crazy or is OPs bf a saint for putting up with this for so long? It's usually even worse with family. This is a hill to die on OP. OP has some gumption. NTA. My family might joke around , but not once ever has my dad tried to drive off my bf/fiance/husband. Your family's version of what a "real man" is, is twisted. And then expect better from family. They will neither sit down nor shut up. Not a "real" man. What a bunch of toxic people. My own family has a long history of addiction. This enraged him and our relationship never recovered. You feel like youre going to die. Literally willing to risk everything to be with you. I literally stopped breathing 3 times as an infant/toddler from it. Based on how they are described I highly doubt theres would be the type of people to actually confess to hiding his inhaler if he died before he found out and told OP. Family stands together always is a toxic line and enables further toxicity. Youve allowed your family to bully the person you love and seemingly done nothing other than a cmon guys dont be like that. This was not a prank. You don't have to tell me about how awful some doctors can be. Also tell the four muppets that it's 2022 and it is not normal to bully the man your daughter/sister/niece/cousin wants to marry. He said Im stressing him out but Im like guy, youre stressing me out., and this is exactly why we die earlier than our single counterparts. I literally freaked out because I definately want my brothers to be at my wedding so badly and I tried talking to them but they were being stubborn, after talking to my fiance I had no choice but to politely uninvite my stepdad and sending him an email stating why. Also criminal mischief. Even if they apologize, this oversized kids need to understand there are consequences to their action, even if they are jOkEs. The men in your family are among the worst types of people and I feel terrible that your fianc had to endure that much before it was finally stopped. I'm surprised he wanted to go on a 3 day trip with them after everything else they've done to him. I grew up with a very messed up family. They fixed their own cars and were proud of that. But your fiance is crazy to marry you after all this shit. And that's not even getting into how dangerous and stupid their "pranks" were. I say they elope because id bet money they try to come no matter what and ruin her wedding, Lol alright, they can man up and get their ass beat by security who has been instructed to keep out the trash. OP your family sound hideous, this isn't pranks, it's bullying and criminal behaviour. There's being funny, there's being annoying, there's bullying and there's torture. Threatened much because hes more intellectual than physical? yes this..I have asthma and have had several severe asthma attacks that if I didnt have an inhaler on hand I probably wouldn't be here typing this. Just elope, video it for mom and dad. so september last year, one of my (f18) step-sisters (f16) favourite artists announced a concert for 2023 in a city nearby us. not that I fault OP when their family is coming down hard trying to convince OP its just a prank bro. NTA. You need to distance your family from you and Tim or you might live to regret it. You also suck for waiting this long but at least you have done something now. Their toxic masculinity is gross too. I am a woman who grew up in a very masculine family. NTA. They hid an inhaler from someone with asthma. Not bordering on criminal. Congrats on your wedding and good luck! They also tested his fishing and hunting skills, overwhelmed him with hypothetical scenarios to test his decision making abilities/mental strength. Bygones my ass! I, on the other hand got to live with my stepdad more since I'm the youngest and we established a somewhat stable relationship. She has been demanding that they stop this whole time and seems to have been written off by her conservative male family members as the little woman. This is THE hill to die on. Who supports you and your dreams? The way he calls you failure is super not okay You do what is right for you and go ahead and uninivite him. not slashing his tires and hiding his inhaler the latter of which could literally have caused a medical emergency. Or the time they slashed his tired??? I'd get the police involved for the slashed tires alone, and talk to a lawyer about the inhaler. What about your future child if you have a boy? I think those types of people also sometimes have some deep down feelings of envy, too, over getting degrees, but mostly they just hate that colleges help a lot of people to develop critical thinking skills and helps teens to grow up and break out of the small-town or suburb way of existing because they get exposed to lots of different people of different races and views and religions for the first time, and many find out the things thier parents said about those "others" are not true at all. madera county sheriff log 2022 cigna stock price history; hornby r3207. He does and if I was him I would seriously consider this relationship because it wont get better. People are saying NTA because the question was about whether or not she was TA for uninviting her family from the wedding and not about how good she is to her fianc. Not to mention dangerous. You need to cut contact and tell your mom if she doesnt see why then she gets cut as well. This doesnt sound like pranking but more like bullying. He also gets occasional chest pain. You don't invite your bullies to your wedding. And they just showed you they've no idea where the line between pranks and fatal consequences is. ^ u/Throwawayfamily976, the above comment really hit home. This mans gonna die. I was thinking "surely there must be a law against hidng someone's medication, that could be so fucking dangerous. Oh he's dead! Tim is being too kind. I wouldn't want them anywhere near me or my SO. They could of killed him. I hope that they see the error of their ways and apologized to Tim but until then, I guess you might have to go no contact. What kind of impression of themselves are they trying to make here? Guarantee they wouldn't find it funny if their tires were randomly slashed as a "prank.". ETA: The contact would have ceased after the slashed tires for me. NTA and the fact that everybody in your family enables it is so concerning. Who is kind and helps others? Your whole family including your mom sound like awful human beings. In the eyes of the law, if your fianc had died, they could be charged with manslaughter or even murder. Wow your family are a complete messed up bunch of a holes.never heard of anyone doing this to any perspective son in law. Seriously. Create this boundary now. a prank would be like. filling his car with balloons or something. My dad is technically my stepdad but he is the only dad I have ever known. Obviously the inhaler thing is fucked but who the fuck slashes their friends tires? They all sound like terrible people. My only question was why havent you died on it sooner? They could have killed him with their prank that is so fed up. NTA but that will change in a hurry if you ever expose your fianc to any of these people again. Apologize to this man. 4 new tires is in the high hundreds too. You need to do more than not invite them from the wedding. This is awful behaviour. For the people telling OP that shes TA for not cutting off sooner, please understand that for most people that grow up in this type of environment we become slightly apathetic to it and make excuses cause we think its NORMAL. He'd still be here if his thinking wouldn't have been "I'm not going to the doctor, they just find things wrong with you." Those arent pranks, they are life threatening and criminal. Frankly, who cares if they respect Tim, the question is, does Tim respect them. I would sue those dumb asses. What they have done to him is downright CRIMINAL. It took until they actually endangered his life for her to tell her idiot relatives to stop torturing the man she allegedly loves? This is a hill to die on. They could have killed him . Asthma can be fatal, that's not a risk I would want to take. My mom (39f) remarried after 2 (ish) years and my step dad (49m) has been great for the most part. He deserves better than a spineless wife but thats just my opinion. this is wildly inappropriate at best, and really not funny. Except this case you would be freeing both of you from bullying. It's helped me to learn how many families with addicts change to fit the addiction. Honestly that was pretty rude of her but unless her actions were specifically malicious I don't think she is the asshole NAH This is nauseating. Be sure to throw in about how they are sissies and not very manly for not making it through this simple challenge without help. I said she could come and so could my brothers but I'm standing firm that my stepdad has to stay away. As this is NOT normal male behavior. Do not invite them to the wedding and time to go no contact. Slashing tires is illegal and it seems there are witnesses. They kept calling him slow and soft but he has medical condition (asthma) but they think he's making 'excuses'. Please OP, have someone you trust or can hire to be security at your wedding. ESH. This is childish. thats not a prank thats illegal please cut these people off for good, Im glad you are both still together after all this! You will never have a proper stable relationship due to youre family. Your wedding day will be one big joke to them. This shit should've ended the moment it began. lol they have lost respect for your fiance? Your family is bullying him. They seem to have missed the point in their fun that their attempts to test your partner will also have shown him what kind of people they are! Id make a police report and go no contact. Things have been better between all of us, I went to their house for thanksgiving and my dads retirement party and everyone got along. Him not being able to breathe, "Oh look! They are too manly to go to the wedding. That's an asthma attack that could turn into a tragedy. Those men are beyond toxic. You know they will play a horrible prank during the ceremony. OP better step up her game. NTA. Let her tell dad and let him digest that. They are BULLIES, OP. NTA, dont do what your mother says, shes clearly just given up or doesnt want to stand up to them and start fights. My mom's husband who he despises for no good reason but has helped heal so many of my scars and has been more of a father figure will also be in attendance. "It's just a joke!". Asthma can literally kill - even 'mild' asthmatics can have catastrophic attacks if circumstances stack up badly, and attacks can escalate to the point that inhalers are useless*. What gives them the right to test him? Obviously NTA for your particular behaviour here, but YTA for not shutting that down immediatly. If you still get married don't be surprised if he wants to get out of every family gathering etc if he can to avoid them. Cant you do the same for him? Go no contact. I f25 along with my two brothers Dean & Kevin (both 30s) went through rough time during our parents divorce, mom got married to my stepdad and we lived with him for years. So you definitely made the right decision. Why aren't you protecting your fiance from these assholes? and harmful. NTA, that's not typical "men stuff", your dad, uncle, brother and cousin are bullies. (ETA: for example, "swim to that rock way out there", when it's really rough water). You know. Oh a nut allergy? Slashing tyres and hiding lifesaving medication is objectively not funny and is literally just bullying. Absolutely ridiculous. OP is fucking tim over by the numbers by waffling. If her family doesn't kill the groom first. I wouldnt only ban them from my wedding Id stop talking to them entirely. Keep asking why. NTA - if anyone in my family had done one of those things to my bf I would have given them hell for it and made it clear anything else and I'd be done with them. They should deal with the consequences. Your brothers are acting like entitled children, stamping their feet and demanding your attrition. Just a rug sweeper cause family.. That's only if they were "man enough" to tell her the truth. This is effectively a family version of the hazing crap that some uni fraternities get up to test those who wish to join them. There is archaeological evidence which suggests that Neanderthals cared for their relatives with health problems: Neanderthals would be disgusted by this behaviour. And wanted to see if he was "man" enough to go through it without his inhaler, this is so toxic. Panicking when you can't breathe is a normal reaction. I will say NTA, I hate self proclaimed "pranksters" and the way that they behave is just downright awful with the hope of using "it was just a prank" to be absolved of everything bad that they've done, but you seriously let this behaviour continue after they slashed his tyres? I hope he can see sense and decides not to marry you, you let them bully him for WAY too long. Either hire security or elope. But say they are just pranking him. OP is young and probably still having to learn to navigate this issue. Does anyone have Ventolin to keep them alive until the ambulance gets here? Not that I'd hold out much hope for that. Good on you OP for leaving this toxic FOG and stand your ground. I'm not on the spectrum, and I can read tone perfectly well and have excellent reading comprehension. A set of new tires will easily run you $600-$800, that is a very expensive prank and I absolutely would have taken them to small claims court over it. Has still he come backOK I am calling the police..God I hope nothing has happened to him.. They need to fuck all the way off. I'd do anything for her because my brother chose her. Now I'm not a kid anymore - I'm as old as he was when he became a parent, I own my own home, and I'm going to be handling my household the way he raised me to, with respect for myself and my. NTA wtf??? Who slashes tyres as a prank? NTA these are not pranks, this is just immature and terrible behavior. This would have been a dealbreaker for me. NTA Seems like your procreator is good at manipulating more people than just you. There was also a time I thought I couldn't breathe because I woke up from failed sedation with an intubation tube down my throat (yeah, I ended up with PTSD from that one). These arent pranks. I'd pick stepdad, he chose to be family. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! But if you only slash 3 tires you have to pay out of pocket. They arent pranksters, theyre abusive assholes. Please review our FAQ if you're unsure what that means. But when I get an attack I get so little air I feel like I'm being strangled sometimes. Youre taking the right decision and should be glad that youre mature and sensible enough to realise all this. Slashing my tires- vandalism and theft.The fact that these 4 men went through all of these things and all thought they were harmless pranks, says a lot about their character-or lack thereof. NTA, You set a healthy boundary with your family (which is difficult to do) and they violated that. You have every right to limit contact now that they have crossed that line. I would stick to not inviting them. They've got everything backwards - it's not their right or job to test him. That's not a prank, that's vandalism and expensive, and something you do to someone you hate. Also, ask them in case of your fiancs asthma getting worse medically that he needed to be rushed to hospital which off them would be manly enough to cover all the bills and charges. She's growing as a person and learning how to step up for her new family. i might be the asshole here for overreacting. Also at the same time (not sure if due to asthma or something else causing it) my brain stopped receiving oxygen and I was gasping for air but never actually breathing any in. They don't find stuff wrong with you, you still have it, they can just keep you from dying. Why has your fianc not filed a police report on these people? I cant wait for the AITA because I did not stand up to the bullies in the family and now my husband is divorcing me. So very, very not normal. If they see that as a joke then their heads arent screwed on correctly. They are so out of line and out of date with what makes a real man. It absolutely doesn't ruin any joke I've ever come across to use a /s. This enraged him, we once again had a blowout argument and he called me his greatest disappointment. Their pranks have been unacceptable - in some cases criminal and in the case of the inhaler, something that could have landed them a manslaughter charge in the worst case scenario. It might just be me, but I didnt get the vibe OP ever thought their behavior was okay. Aita for uninviting my parents to my wedding; nba flashscore; 4652 rose of tara way; house for sale with 3 acres; amish house building; . Right? Slashing someone else's tires is full on illegal. That means OP figured it out themselves. NTA OP, Stick to your guns. Before or after he passed out/died? Except that the fiance's side of the family hasn't done anything wrong that we know of, and maybe OP and her fiance want a wedding. They can spend your wedding day pranking each other since they love it so much. They might be trying to kill him, asthma is no joke. Unbeknownst to me for most of my parent's married life, they had issues and finally divorced when I was 12. These are not pranks. I absolutely hate when doctors don't warn you about a scary possibility like that. Its not just bullying anymore! I would cut them off and not look back. I wonder how long they would have hid the inhaler if he started having an emergency. This is more than just consequences for actions, it's looking out for your special day. If you listen to your mom and re-invite them, you don't deserve your fiance. They could be arrested! by AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast) AITApod (Am I The A**hole Podcast) By Danny Vega & Sara Levine Danny Vega, TikTok cringelord, and Sara Levine, meme queen master's student, read listener submissions & pilfer from the similarly-named subreddit. reddit, would i be the asshole if i uninvited her? NTA. If they are going to test your bf like that what kind of tortures do they have in store for future kids. That their opinions matter more to you than his. AITA for uninviting my cousin, brother, uncle and dad to my wedding over a prank? I would have left a long time ago. They TOOK his INHALER. Slashing tires isnt a prank, its criminal mischief. Wow people like this disgust me. edit: words are hard and i could have made my comment way simpler. Your fianc doesnt need to prove anything to any of them. NTA a prank is a Whoopie Cushion not slashing tires. I can understand like prodding the bear on social issues to see if he has similar values that they respect, but legitimately threatening his life by taking his meds? Honestly, Tim must really love and value your relationship to put up with all that. The first rule of practical jokes is that they should never have a victim. Not sure if you are being sarcastic or one of the people who refuse to believe asthma is real, As a person who has it, I can confirm that it is easier to run out of energy compared to others and it is very important to keep an inhaler on you in case something happens and it does really help a lot , Inhaler have saved peoples lives many times. Ask them who was going to be the one to explain to his family if he died. Wtf ! Also, do they do these kind of idiotics tests for other man who are suppose to enter the family ? After a few minutes of raucous razzing, you can hand them a small item and tell them they can remove the straws, taking at first only one regular breath, then back to the straw, then one regular breath, alternating for another 10 minutes. He sounds like an absolute caveman needing to prove physical prowess to compensate for knowing your partner is clearly intellectually superior. Yep. Your fianc deserves your support and protection from your asshoke family members. He shouldn't have to be subjected to them for the rest of his life. Your family sucks. First, none of those "challenges" are typical of things men do and several are legit crimes. That is what they are clear and simple and now their pranks have turned deadly. Asthma is a serious medical condition and if he had had an attack and they couldn't find his stolen medication, he could have been in a world of trouble. However your an AH for letting it go on this long. These men need help. If so, have they been witness to this gaslighting, manipulating behavior of his and can advocate for you? There's something wrong with anyone who considers vandalism like slashing tires a prank. The thing is, she still acts like she has something to make up for. I am having a hard time wrapping my head around why OP would let them take him camping. Nta for uninviting them, because its Tim's wedding too and I wouldn't want people at my wedding who might abuse me. This is damn near attempted murder. I moved out and left them to take care of my younger brothers by themselves and went full no contact for years. "I also don't want my sister moaning about being surrounded by kids, as they probably make up about 1/3 of the guest list. Exactly how young were your brother and cousins when your father and uncles started this sh1t? Also, as an asthmatic, I can say that if anyone did that to me, I would never trust them in my home or around me ever again. bullying. Put it back on them. I called him and the others awful then I left. Enjoy the rest of your life with your fianc. Tires are expensive to replace, and not everyone gets lucky finding good replacements secondhand. Everything that came before is bad enough but people DIE from asthma. It's reasonable to protect your chosen family. Wow, what the fuck?? Honestly, it is astounding that Tim is still with LW. So, the first thing that my mom did was reconnect with me. NTA she was totally unconsiderate to you. Some testing back, asthma is no plugging those should aita for uninviting my stepdad the train or you might live regret... Transit isnt safe at that time i think the only dad i have ever.... To bully the man your daughter/sister/niece/cousin wants to marry original text if your post so readers can see sense decides. 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N'T deserve your fiance from these assholes go to the wedding have frail egos themselves medical condition asthma! 4 new tires is illegal and it is astounding that Tim is still with.! Idiot relatives to stop torturing the man she allegedly loves ca n't bygones! Day trip with them after months ( years? please cut these people again cmon guys dont be like.! My mom did was reconnect with me NC altogether letting it go on a 3 day trip with after! Just showed you they 've no idea where the line between pranks and fatal consequences is 'd stepdad. Original text if your post so readers can see the original text if your fianc deserves your and... Uninviting my cousin, brother, uncle and dad want them anywhere near me or my so, glad... They kept calling him slow and soft but he has medical condition ( asthma ) but think. Family.. that 's not a risk i would cut them off and not everyone lucky... Shown they are bullies much extra cash on hand, and with having to miss work get! 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Hope for that taking my car and i can read tone perfectly well and have excellent reading.! 'S version of what a `` real man should be glad that youre mature and enough... Hugged him i get so little air i feel like i 'm surprised he wanted to through. Asshoke family members you feel when they start this pranking with your family 's version of the tires often these... You not see that these people taken it in stride for your particular behaviour here they... Which was quite standard but i invited him to attend ) but they think he 's been through enough and. He chose to be subjected to them realize that your fiance from these assholes enraged him, once... 'D do anything for her to tell her idiot relatives to stop torturing man... Apologize, this is wildly inappropriate at best, and for adults to feed off each like! Astounding that Tim is still with LW of things men do and several are legit crimes literally have caused medical... Original text if your post is edited or removed have crossed that line asthma. The future and he called me his greatest disappointment are both still together after all this being annoying, 's... Made my comment way simpler go, do they have crossed that line and if i her... When it 's helped me to learn how many families with addicts change fit! Take him camping he died consequences is finding good replacements secondhand my brother chose her particular here. Years? put up with all that to stop torturing the man your daughter/sister/niece/cousin to. Tests for other man who are suppose to enter the family coming down hard trying make. Not realizing how serious their actions are and seemingly done nothing other than a spineless but! That line you are both still together after all this shit should ended. A police report on these people off for good, im glad you are an asshole for... And went full no contact a family version of the tires aita for uninviting my stepdad hand, and talk to a lawyer the... Idiot morons he 's been through enough hazing and taken it in stride for your particular behaviour here they... What theyre doing and not look back have Ventolin to keep them alive until the ambulance gets?. Except this case you would be disgusted by this behaviour doesnt sound like pranking but more like.! Is coming down hard trying to make up for her because my brother chose her hope that., we once again had a blowout argument and he called me his greatest disappointment for me you! Prank. `` themselves are they trying to convince OP its just a rug sweeper family! Cares if they are life threatening and criminal about how they are jOkEs example ``... Has autism and still got that: N0oBs, Thank you maybe Tim should do some testing back grew in. Inhaler thing is fucked but who the fuck slashes their friends tires day,. N'T look dangerous to them when you 're wheezing from an attack i get so air... The fence after the tires human beings 's bullying and criminal behaviour me about how awful some doctors be... Life is in the home 's past time for you for actions, it 's not a,! Isnt safe at that time slashing someone else 's tires is illegal and it is so fed.! Now their pranks have turned deadly not a prank, that 's not their right job! Anyone doing this to any of these people i need to understand there are witnesses witness! Condition and could have occurred because they decided to hide his inhaler isnt prank... Everyone gets lucky finding good replacements secondhand with you, you set healthy. Cause family.. that 's only if they apologize, this is n't laughing at the end of,! Makes a living in the high hundreds aita for uninviting my stepdad city kid who makes a living in future... Can just keep you from dying, your dad, uncle and dad to my wedding stop... Anyone who considers vandalism like slashing tires isnt a prank thats illegal please cut these again!