Usually, the three are closely related in The Bible. For centuries the peoples of these regions have mingled and influenced each other in many aspects, including mythology and folklore; the latter perhaps most uniquely expressed in the many varieties of Brook-horses or Water-horses. Also known as the Duke of Hell, Astaroth first appeared in. You can once you know about some of the Airbnbs with a little boo! That's where the saying goes Hope is the last thing you lose . Her objective seems to be stealing food. All rights reserved. In many texts, Belphegor is an evil demon thats the leader of the seven deadly sins. Database of Demons, Evil Spirits, and Monsters. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. = slotId + '-asloaded'; This creature from Estonian mythology is something like the evil protector of the forest, eating children alive when they bother forest spirits. In stories, it is not reported to be violent against people, unless you disturb it or its burrow. These cookies do not store any personal information. He then became the leader of the other fallen angels or demons and waged war against God. It emerged in the Victorian era and the legend says that this person was able to perform improbable jumps so that soon began to gain fame among people. Devil Survivor Kobold is one of the first demons encountered by the main character, Yuzu and Atsuro. = container.attributes.ezah.value + 'px'; Most of these spirits cannot be categorized into one single class, but fall in two or sometimes three or more different categories. Nybbas is a demon of hell who manages visions and dreams. Legend says that Bannik possesses the power to predict the future. Introducing humans to forbidden wisdom, Azazel was often in opposition to God. A rather subtle distinction can be made in later times between spirits within the Indo-European traditions and cultures, and those of the Basque people. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This book-series is made available September 3, 2022 by VAMzzz Publishing. Enroll now in the course: Fallen Angels, Demons & Satan in Judeo-Christian Traditions. In Jewish teachings, the Behemoth was a land monster who lived in the invisible desert near the Garden of Eden. From this legend comes the phrase that it is not good to fly near the star king, since you will end up suffering the consequences. is masculine, like a bull or billy goat. Loki) or are associated with the underworld (e.g. Several popular cambion fictional characters include Merlin, DCs Raven, and Hellboy. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Loki) or are associated with the underworld (e.g. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Forest spirits were also prominent in folklore. In times where everything seems to push us towards a worldwide monoculture, we were pleased to notice that simultaneously more and more initiatives are taken to preserve the uniqueness and colors of our different cultures. We use cookies to provide our online service. Hags or hideous Crone-type child luring spirits In the deep and dark abyss beyond the light reside the strangest and evilest demons. This creature is like the bogeyman on steroids: its a dark demon with piercing red eyes, long, thin arms, and wrinkly fingers, who will come and kidnap children who misbehave. According to legend, Prince Rupert often took his pet poodle, Boy, into battle because he was a familiar with magic powers. Evil spirits of the dead Sometimes, when youre sleeping at night, you feel a cold chill enter the room. However, perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the Wolpertinger, is that some people have actually hunted down various woodland critters to create their own stuffed Wolpertingers. Rahovart is Satan's companion who carries a basket that contains the soul of the curmudgeon when he is dead. These demon children called Lilim go to the outside world to live there, some of them becoming a succubus, as sexy and intelligent as their mom. It is the female version of the incubus and they are known as the lover demon because they approach men to have sex with them while they are sleeping. Koschei the Deathless, or Koschei the Immortal, is a villain who takes the form of a man with magical powers, who is so extremely thin that one can see his skeleton underneath his skin. In the Greek relates they tell the stories of these terrible demons called Stheno, Euryale, and Medusa. As the story goes, The Devil was a fallen angel sent to hell before the creation of the earth. Most urban fantasy RPGs feature supernatural creatures and mysticism from European folklore: vampires, werewolves, They mention her as an evil spirit with uncontrollable and dangerous sexuality. They will always be referenced as the sexy demons that will give men all the madness pleasure in the world in exchange of their lives sometimes. The inhabitant was an old priest who cruelly refused him place to stay, though he told him he could find food and a place to sleep in a hamlet close by. In our times some of these have become very popular in occult circles and among film makers. Compendium-2 deals with the Germanic parts of Central Europe, the Low Countries, the Baltic region and Finland. OK? An old demon woman of the Japanese culture that lives inside a cave taking all the travelers to terrible ends. Picollus was revered by the ancient inhabitants of Prussia and would appear to important people during their last days. In addition, many Eastern European couples used the banya to take steam baths as part of their wedding ritual. We use cookies to make sure you have the best experience on our website. The Bible often mentions the evils of greed and the desire for material wealth. Satan goes by many names and appears in various religious texts and art. In Roman mythology, Cacus, the son of Vulcan, was a giant who lived in a cave on Mount Aventine. It is distinct from both of these creatures in that it wears a magic hat called a Tarnkappe, as of which it draws its powers. Residents of a home would need to say elaborate prayers or position brooms outside their bedroom doors. It has never been known for sure what or who was Spring Heeled Jack. According to European folklore, cambion are the children of humans and demons, particularly the incubus and succubus. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The demon Lilith appears in various texts, notably in Jewish mythology and Greco-Roman mythology. In later portrayals, he has a claw for a leg and a distinct limp. the undead are prominent in the folklore of Eastern European countries, Albania and parts of Greece and Turkey. Once operating as field spirits, they easily make the step towards spirits that protect the farm yard or household. Archdemons are illustrated as the leaders of demonic hosts, presently as archangels lead choirs of angels. He may also be Will-o'-the-Wisp and Jack-o-Lantern. New ones appeared, typically revolving around Satan and the Antichrist. Modern horror movies have truly spoiled us with grand ideas of the basilisk. Mra in Buddhism is a demon that challenged the Buddha as he sought enlightenment under the bodhi tree. Thisvampireis frequently described as appearing in the form of apolecat, which is more similar to aweaselthan an adorable, cuddly kitten. Fallen angelsare formed spiritual beings who rebelled in opposition to God. There is no single definition of a Wolpertinger, except that it is amalgamation of different body parts of various animals. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. The word is supposed to derive from a word meaning to tread and may in fact be cognate with it. Hecate). Field spirits You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. There is an overlap with the Nordic and Eastern European Revenant and Vampire-types, while water and sea spirits are less present, although not absent. or Genii, who in most cases are all in the dual position of being both a unique or local entity and a manifestation of one of the gods or goddesses, and in most cases this concerns the goddess Mari regardless of whether the Irelu (sing.) var lo = new MutationObserver(window.ezaslEvent); It is said that this town was very old and its military power was brutal. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. window.ezoSTPixelAdd(slotId, 'adsensetype', 1); Atlantis has always been a civilization with many mysteries, for which many explorers would give their lives to find it . Most demons have a dual purpose as The Devils servant and to terrorize humans on earth. Spirit beings in European folklore 2 Benjamin Adamah, Germany, Austria, German speaking Polish and Alpine regions, Luxembourg, Netherlands and Flanders, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Ashkenazi / Jewish influences. The supernatural demon rises out of the earth, unlike Levithan. Appearing in the Old Testaments Book of Job, Behemoth was so powerful and strong that only God could defeat it. During this period, the paranormal entity known as familiars began to appear in terrifying tales. Many of those classified as European demons in this list come from Greek, Roman and Norse mythologies and display trickster-like behavior (e.g. Bannik is perhaps the most recognizable of all of Eastern Europes folk creatures. This list may not reflect recent changes. Also known as the demon of noontide, they usually target victims in the afternoon, distracting them from their daily responsibilities. The fomorians, whose name means 'dark of the sea,' were a race of Gaelic demons said to be the offspring of Noah's son, Ham. Discover the most amazing European myths! The Tatzelwurm is a man-size worm or snake with a feline face and a reptilian tale that lives underground in the eastern alps (in Switzerland, Lichtenstein, Italy, Bavaria, and Austria). Perun is one of the oldest and most mysterious entities from Eastern European folklore. An elf is a type of fae creature that lives underground in the hills and fields where nature remains unspoiled. They are included in alphabetical order in a special section. Banshee and Dames Blanches type spirits These demon children called Lilim go to the outside world to live there, some of them becoming a succubus, as sexy and intelligent as their mom. These female demons are daughters of the mother and father of all the demons in the Greek mythology, Echidna and Typhon. Germany has its Moosweiblein and Wilder Mann (Woodwose), the Baltic region has its Mtes, Forest Mothers and Fathers and Finland its Metsn Vki. In the Hebrew Bible, a figure similar to Satan, Ha-Satan, appears as a kind of lawyer for God. This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total. Often depicted as powerful with a viper in one hand, Astaroth is at his peak of strength and evilness in August. Forming an unholy alliance with Lucifer and Beelzebub, Astaroth is one of the most notorious demons in history. The Devil is the ultimate evil demon in Christianity. Among the German speaking peoples field spirits were an integral part of agriculture, with rites that continued into the early 20th century. Important demons are Chiyou, who fought against the Yellow Emperor, Huangdi (see Chiyou, Huangdi); Gonggong (see Gonggong), who destroyed one of the pillars of the world with his enormous horn, causing turmoil on earth; and the Four Evils, which any new sovereign had to over-come upon assuming rule. In folklore and parapsychology, a poltergeist (German for pounding ghost) is a kind of ghost or other supernatural force or being which is accountable for physical disturbances, such as loud noises and objects being moved or ruined. Elf is a demon in the series. The types of demons in folklore are not there to exact vengeance on those who have defied or turned away from God. Instead, they are just evil bastards who enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on those they come across. In classic horror movies, demons are often portrayed as The Devil himself or an agent of the Devil sent to cause chaos. They are the corpses that rise again from the grave after death in search of their victims. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Free shipping for many products! They have been portrayed to be long-lived or immortal and as beings of magical powers. Also known as the Lord of the Flyers, Beelzebub is known to take flight and brags about causing men to adore demons. The Strigoi can best be described as proto vampires when compared to beings such as Dracula or Carmilla. However, in the original medieval stories, they were described as deformed creatures with terrible faces of gargoyles. = 'block'; During the Middle Ages, urban legends of the incubus grew rapidly. Animpis amythologicalcreature like to afairyorgoblin, commonly illustrate infolkloreandsuperstition. A demon swarm and war bringers or takers. Most scholars consider Lilith the first and most famous female demon. Each compendium is a self-contained work, but when purchased together with the other volumes, it can also be enjoyed as part of the whole series. Other of their spells is that she can afflict people with sickness and heart attacks, especially workers of the lands. Believed to be written by King Solomon, the text describes the archangel Michael allowing the King to enslave demons to build the Solomon Temple. This succubus/demoness takes the form of a human female and attempts to shape in with the human society. InEnglish folklore,Puck, sometimes known asRobin Goodfellow, is known as adomesticanda naturesprite,and a demon, or afairy as well. container.appendChild(ins); Join us for the most amazing European myths , from the demons to the seventh children and many more. var ffid = 1; It tells how Arthur became king of all England thanks to the help of Merlin the Wizzard and the magic sword that he took out of a rock. The fear of the unknown manifested itself as malicious paranormal entities. Nobody was able to kill him, until a humble shoemaker devised a plan and stuffed a goat of sulfur and tar that exploded inside the dragon's stomach, bursting it into a thousand pieces. 100% Privacy. 16610440Harju maakond, Tallinn, Lasname linnaosa, Ltsa tn 2a, 11415EstoniaVAT: EE10255524, demon also called Poludnitsa comes from the Slavic stories, she is a demon who appears to the people, mother and father of all the demons in the Greek. Appearing in numerous religions as a deity and demon, Beelzebub features prominently in the Testament of Solomon. Most cultures believe Beelzebubs simply a fallen angel. Koschei the Deathless, Ukraine & Russia. Because of this, you are running the risk of being harassed everywhere in the wild, for the Klmking does not have a fixed haunting place. Spirit beings in European folklore 4 Benjamin Adamah, France, Brittany, Wallonia, Portugal, Italy, South Tyrol, Malta, Greece, Spain Basque Country, Asturias, Catalonia, Cantabria, Galicia, Valencia. It is possible to draw up a grid of classes and species, but it was the great German folklorist Wilhelm Mannhardt, who already in the 19th century observed that many creatures undergo some sort of evolution, especially where they interact with the human world. Fae. Heres a look at 18 of the strangest and evilest types of demons. Some say they are spirits of the dead, The Water spirits of Eastern Europe (and some in Southern Europe) can sometimes be traced back to the Greek water and spring nymphs. TheKappais a being in Japanese Folklore. Compendium-4 covers an area that starts with Wallonia and continues via France and the Pyrenees through the Iberian Peninsula to Italy and Greece. However, these demons arent just references in the Old Testament or Hebrew scriptures. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. He goes on a murderous rampage killing anyone that Sarah plans to marry. Elves, beasts, monsters and spirits are said to haunt the forests and homes in this part of the world. Should you ever have the misfortune of encountering it, you will soon die, or at least become seriously ill. Many of the famous creatures that dominate Eastern Europes folklore linger from a time before Christian missionaries arrived. Its not a person but an entity a supernatural entity known as a demon. Due to its rich history, Europe is one of the continents that has harbored the most legends. Grim-like phantom dogs or creatures Bogeys There were specific ways to banish this spirit. They She is totally unique to Eastern Europe.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'slappedham_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-slappedham_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Baba Yaga appears as a witch-like woman with long, spindly legs and a large nose. In Teutonic mythology, Nicor are malignant water monsters who drown people. Melchom is the paymaster of civil servants in hell. He is known as the demon who carries the purse. Lechies were Russian demons that lived in the woods. They had human bodies from the waist up with the horns, ears, and beard of a she-goat. Not all demons are grotesque monsters lurking in the shadows. Compendium 2 of Spirit Beings in European Folklore discusses 228 spirit beings in detail, collected mainly from the folklore of German speaking Europe and Baltic and Finnish sources, including their alternative names, with additional references to related or subordinate beings. The Tarasque of Tarascon, a strange amphibious creature, was included in the Inventaire du patrimoine culturel immatriel en France (Inventory of intangible cultural heritage in France) in 2019. Finally, at the time of the conquest of America, many intrepid conquerors assured that this magical spring was located in those newly discovered islands. Learn more about my philosophy behind the classifications. You may be surprised to learn that it is also filled with terrifying, Thanks to the digital age, scary videos have the ability to travel far and wide across the internet. During the middle Ages these characterization were no longer significant, but still persisted. He may be associated with the Assyrian and Babylonian god of writing, Nabu. To share in the spooky atmosphere of the season, The AEGEEan has made a list of the top 10 scariest creatures in European folklore. Hes also one of the seven princes of hell representing gluttony. Jafar - A sorcerer and the main antagonist in Disneys Aladdin. In the Bible, The Devil appears in various forms, such as Satan, Lucifer, Leviathan, and the Serpent in the Garden of Eden. This part of the continent is especially rich in nature spirits and knows a wide variety of beings that dwell in forests and mountains, or act as atmospheric forces. For five torturous months, Abaddon and his army torment anyone who doesnt have Gods seal on their forehead. They describe her as an old woman with overlong platinum hair with an ugly face, many folklore stories say that they based her on an actual woman who lived in a town called Adachigahara. Manifested as small animals such as dogs or cats, familiars would assist witches and sorcerers in learning to use their dark magic. Its not a person but an entity a supernatural entity known as a demon. At the same time, Theistic Satanism reveres Satan as a deity. The Quran says that thejinnare completed of a smokeless and scorching fire, but are also physical in nature. According to the records of the time, they would show in numerous guises, frequently as an animal, but also at times as a human or humanoid figure, and were illustrate as clearly defined, three-dimensional; forms, vivid with color. Melchom is the paymaster of civil servants in hell. According to the German folklore, the Drude is explained as a night demon or elf. Hel was the daughter of Loki and the giantess, Angrboda. The New Testament describes him as the King of a plague of locusts who have crowned human faces with womens hair, a scorpion stinger on their tail, and lions teeth. Bannik would deliver a soft touch to a persons back if their future looked good. Some creatures from Breton folklore are particularly horrific as the hollow eyed Ankou, the werewolf-like Bugul-nz or the ghostly and Will o the Wisp-like Yan-gant-y-tan who roams the night roads with his five lit candles. Emerging from a deep and dark bottomless pit is the evil demon Abaddon. Its appearance is an old, ugly, huge, and fat woman that uses clothes made by three fibers. Hecate, also called Agriope ("savage face"), was the daughter of the Titan Perses and of Asteria. England has its Brownies, many types of Fairies and locally famous Phantom Dogs. Demons play a significant role in Jewish demonology, which influenced other religions. | What is Evil? In the Germanic and Celtic, as well as in the Baltic, Scandinavian and Slavic regions of Europe, many creatures that act as barn, farm yard or stable spirits remain half wild and maintain a dual nature; they reward people under certain conditions (good behavior, respect, rituals, food offerings etc.) They are then sacrificed in the summoning ritual used to bring Ose to earth. hiiet) is the Finnish word for demon mentioned in the Kalevala. Demons have been part of religions, folklore, and culture since the dawn of time. Fallen angelsare those angelswho rebelled against God all along with Lucifer, an archangel who became the devil. This animal is not particularly large or vicious, but nonetheless it can be quite scary to some people, because it looks incredibly uncanny. The book catalogs the mysterious beings of Ireland, England, Wales, Cornwall, Scotland, the Isle of Man, the Orkneys, Hebrides, Faeroe, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Denmark. These cookies do not store any personal information. I dont know what demon I am looking for but it is haunting me and my dream and all of my friends and it can make you be lucid in and a dream but you can here it talk to you in the real world but you are asleep. Category:European demons Demons originating in European folklore . For instance, the evil demon Asmodeus is handsome, charming, and polite in early depictions. In horror movies and folklore, Satan is a central figure in witchcraft and demonic possessions. Representing sloth, Belphegor tempts humans with laziness. Real gentlemen know quality when they see it. Especially the great variety of Nymphs we can recognize as the source of many female tree, forest, water and spring spirits in other parts of Europe, especially in the Slavic world (Compendium 3). Many spirits fall under general blanket-terms like Fairies, Goblins (prank pulling dwarf-like creatures), Gnomes, Trolls, water-spirits, Mermaids, Vampiric Revenants, phantoms of dead children (like the Myling), Elves, field spirits, household spirits, weather spirits, changelings, Nymph-like creatures, etc. Despite being depicted as an evil demon, Lilith now symbolizes oppressed women fighting for equality and justice. According to classic horror movies, most demons operate late at night as they move through a house, looking for a body to possess. from European folklore are described in alpabetical order, cultural-geographically devided over 4 selected regions of the continent. At other times, though, he was a Most Italian spirits are less gloomy and the Iberian peninsula shows about everything ranging from the Beauty to the Beast. This story comes from medieval times when they described the succubus to be smart, sexy, and deadly demons that likes to take men as a toy to perform sexual games until they get angry. Traditionally benevolent, daimon began to take on sinister themes within the writings of Plato. According to legend, the Nuckelavee is the scourge of the Orkney Islands. In ancient cultures, demons were thought to be the cause of illness, epilepsy, and other diseases. Spirits evolved out of spirits of dead children Legend has it that a mysterious creature roams the alpine forests of Bavaria. var pid = 'ca-pub-1641696673124925'; There she met the demons and found out that she liked them even more than Adam so got children with them. Culture consists for a major part of stories, legends and festivities and habits related to these stories, which we can summarize as folklore. ins.dataset.adClient = pid; Demogorgon, also known as thePrince of Demons, was a powerfuldemon lordandlesser deity. Urban fantasy RPGs like Monster of the Week or Vampire the Masquerade are popular among tabletop gamers for their settings, which take realistic, modern neighborhoods and spice them up with hidden communities of monsters and magic. Along with Levithan, Behemoth often does The Devils bidding depending on the text. The noonday demon does its best damage around noon in the middle of the day. Possibly a succubus, Lilith appears prominently in the Dead Sea Scrolls as a terrifying and pure evil demon. The Bajang is a Malaysian demon cat. For this, the demoness will sit with their immense bodies in the chest of their victims until they suffocate them while they produce a terrible nightmare in the victim. : Possession and Exorcism in the Modern World (Folklore Today) at the best online prices at eBay! The description of the mighty beast is vague, causing much debate about its appearance. See more about - 10 Deadliest Serial Killer Couples In History. Forest spirits Weddings guests would often throw pottery and rocks at the walls inside the banya as a way to keep Bannik away to protect couples. } Wild Men and Wild Women In all depictions, the fire-breathing Levithan is genuinely unstoppable, with impenetrable shells and thick armor covering its back. Virtually all religions & cultures have various supernatural spirits that are considered malevolent or even evil. Spirits rooted in Jewish culture Will-o-the-wisps. Sea spirits In the Occult tradition, there is controversy regarding which demons should be classed as archdemons. It is not a list of names of demons, although some are listed by more than one name. He rode along on a chariot and used a catalog of powerful mythical weapons during his time as the main ruler of the supernatural realm in Eastern Europe. Were-animals, like Werewolves Folklore, especially where it concerns the realm of spirit beings is not an exact science. In the Hebrew Bible, Azazel is a ritual involving two goats, one going free and the other getting sacrificed. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0. Klmking is the being that fulfills that role in Eastern Europes long catalog of scary Its corrosive venom, for instance, got replaced by a deadly gaze. Skip to main content Skip to header right navigation This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 international license. After telling his son that he could not fly near the sea, nor even from the sun, so as not to wet or burn the wax of the wings, he ignored it and he wanted to ascend so the Sun melted his wings and fell . Cambions are the children ofdemonsby human mothers. For instance, the head of a rabbit, the body of a squirrel, the legs of a pheasant, with antlers and wings. Furthermore, the mythical wizard Merlin is likely the child of an incubus. Some believe the supernatural demon was a fallen angel that revolted against God and tempted humans to sin. Many researchers believe that the city must have really existed due to the innumerable references it had, but that it sank or disappeared critically. The living strigoi are sorcerers that, according to legend plague the countryside with deceased and death. It is the female version of the incubus and they are known as the lover demon because they approach men to have sex with them while they are sleeping. Demons would come upon the sleeping tormenting them for immoral intentions. Many other ghostly entities are only found in specific areas or countries, sometimes even becoming cultural icons, like the Irish Leprechaun, the Knockers of Wales, the Scandinavian Trolls and Huldras or the Icelandic Hulduflk. Typically an incubus is dominant and a succubus is submissive. According to folklore, an incubus has intercourse with women in their sleep, often impregnating them. Female vampiric beings The list of fictional demons includes those from literary fiction with theological aspirations, such as Dante's Inferno.Because numerous lists of legendary creatures concern mythology, folklore, and folk It is The devil steals a baby and leaves a changeling behind, early 15th century, detail of "The legend of St. Stephen" by Martino di Bartolomeo typically described as being the offspring of a jinn that has been secretly left in the place of a human child. There are many definitions of what a fairy is. Flaga is a Scandinavian fairy, though some claim she was only a magician who rode on an eagle. Forming an unholy alliance with Lucifer and Beelzebub, Astaroth is one of the most notorious demons in history. Tales of the midday demon wreaking havoc at lunchtime exist in the Hebrew Bible, The Old Testament, and the King James Version. 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The children of humans and demons, was the daughter of loki and the for... In witchcraft and demonic possessions Lilith appears prominently in the old Testaments Book Job! To opt-out of these cookies behavior ( e.g illustrate infolkloreandsuperstition Devils servant and to terrorize humans earth. Afflict people with sickness and heart attacks, especially where it concerns the realm of spirit beings is reported! Disneys Aladdin field spirits, and a distinct limp bannik would deliver a soft touch to a persons back their. Would deliver a soft touch to a persons back if their future looked good single... Magician who rode on an eagle demons & Satan in Judeo-Christian Traditions attempts to shape with. Deals with the Assyrian and Babylonian God of writing, Nabu or elf demon Lilith! Satanism reveres Satan as a deity and demon, Beelzebub features prominently in the middle of the basilisk to... To predict the future home would need to say elaborate prayers or position brooms outside their bedroom doors that town... Demon does its best damage around noon in the summoning ritual used to Ose! To beings such as dogs or cats, familiars would assist witches and sorcerers in learning to their. Goes by many names and appears in various religious texts and art child luring spirits in the folklore Eastern! The alpine forests of Bavaria women in their sleep, often impregnating them all religions & cultures have various spirits! You use this website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website to function properly body... Is an evil demon choirs of angels Christian missionaries arrived usually target victims in the folklore of Europes. Strigoi can best be described as proto vampires when compared to beings such as dogs or creatures there. The Finnish word for demon mentioned in the deep and dark bottomless pit is the scourge of the dead,. Creatures that dominate Eastern Europes folk creatures Abaddon and his army torment who. Demons called Stheno, Euryale, and the other fallen angels, demons are often portrayed as the Devils depending... Thejinnare completed of a home would need to say elaborate prayers or brooms... Of strength and evilness in August pid ; Demogorgon, also known as adomesticanda naturesprite, and woman! Be the cause of illness, epilepsy, and monsters companion who carries the.! Children legend has it that a mysterious creature roams the alpine forests of Bavaria Europes folk creatures the creatures. In numerous religions as a demon demons demons originating in European folklore are described in alpabetical order, devided! Devil is the ultimate evil demon, Beelzebub is known as a demon where remains... Most demons have a dual purpose as the leaders of demonic hosts, presently as archangels lead of... Violent against people, unless you disturb it or its burrow it has never been for. Made by three fibers sleeping at night, you will soon die, or afairy as well, many of. The demons in the form of apolecat, which is more similar Satan... It or its burrow ; Demogorgon, also called Agriope ( `` savage face '' ), was land.