Commodus: They tell me your son squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. That is enough. My decision disappoints you?Commodus: You wrote to me once, listing the four chief virtues: Wisdom, justice, fortitude and temperance. Learn from me. Maximus: [to Quintus] Strength and Honor. You can help me. Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? Your Emperor asks for your loyalty, Maximus. Commodus: Your servant, Cicero will be waiting there with horses.Maximus: You have done all this?Lucilla: Yes.Maximus: You risk too much.Lucilla: I have much to pay for.Maximus: You have nothing to pay for. Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile. Marcus Aurelius, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'quoteambition_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_13',164,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');29. Nothing happens to anyone that he is not fitted by nature to bear. They all say that, until they're out there, Proximo: We mortals are but shadows and dust. So, Spaniard. Maximus: [addressing his troops] Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Rise. Sadly, we cannot choose how but, what we can decide is how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered, as men. Congratulations, you have very persuasive friends. Whisper to them that I live only to hold them again, for all else is dust and air. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Commodus: And the emperor was heartbroken. Upon collapsing, he is taken to the city of Zucchabar, where he is handed to gladiator trainer Proxino. But if you interrupt me again, I assure you that you shall. Shadows and dust, Maximus! Quintus: If you find yourself alone, riding in the green fields with the sun on your face, do not be troubled. And then, when enough men have died, perhaps you will have your freedom. Maximus, please be careful, that wasn't prudent. Commodus Quotes from Gladiator Commodus: Rise. The tyrant? Commodus: Do you remember what our father said once? Gracchus: Are you not entertained? Quintus: People should know when they are conquered.Maximus: Would you, Quintus? Commodus: [as Proximos gladiators win the battle in the Colosseum] My historys a little hazy Cassius, but shouldnt the Barbarians lose the battle of Carthage! Boy? Learn from me. I shall be closer to you for the next few days, which will be the last of your miserable lives, than that bitch of a mother who first brought you screaming into this world! Or was it Hercules? Here, use this. Forget you ever knew me, and never come back here again. Proximo And now they love Maximus for his mercy. Maximus : Proximo: [just before hes killed] Shadows and dust. The warrior? After making his first significant screen appearances in Hammer Horror films in the early 1960s, his notable films include The Trap (1966), playing Bill Sikes in the 1968 Best Picture Oscar . Sadly, we cannot choose how, but we can decide how we meet that end, in order that we are remembered as men. Some are good for fighting, others for dying. I want my money back. Smile for me now, brother. Proximo: Yes, I did. Lucilla To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Have I missed the battle? Promise me that you will look after my family. Maximus. | Privacy Policy My brother's had Gracchus arrested. The whole things like some crazed nightmare.Falco: He is defying you. Gladiator Movie Quotes "What we do in life echoes in eternity." Maximus "I will see you again but not yet not yet.." Juba "At my signal, unleash hell." Maximus "Are you not entertained? The tyrant? Anything more than a whisper and it would vanish, it was so fragile." - Marcus Aurelius 23. Maximus: The people are my children, I am their father. The warrior? I want my money back.Slave Trader: Not a chance. All a man can do is smile back. Marcus Aurelius, 7. Maximus: [laughs] I knew a man who once said, Death smiles at us all. Promise me that you'll look after my family. I am required to kill, so I kill. Official Sites As if you were the Thundergod himself. Proximo: That can be a virtue when it drives us to excel. Let us pretend that you are a loving daughter, and I am a good father. I will not believe they fought and died for nothing. Every day he lives, they grow bolder. German Barbarian: The emperor So finally after five years of scratching a living in flea infested villages we are finally going back to where we belong, the Colosseum. none For you are in Elysium, and you're already dead! Proximo Gracchus: But the Senate is the people, Sire, chosen from among the people, to speak for the people.Commodus: I doubt if many of the people eat so well as you do, Gracchus, or have such splendid mistresses Gaius. Proximo No. They just walk around, eating, and not mating. Rate this quote: (5.00 / 1 vote) 3,318 Views Share your thoughts on this Gladiator's quote with the community: Maximus is a Roman General that has led his soldiers into victory. Proximo I must go.Maximus: Yes. I was the best because the crowd loved me. The emperors Yes, I will leave. (shakes his head, touches her face with his finger) You laughed more. Youll take your five thousand warriors and leave?Maximus: I will leave. I'm required to kill, so I kill. Commodus: Lucilla We believed it once. The mob sees this, and so does the senate. Marcus Aurelius: Are you ready to do your duty for Rome?Commodus: Yes, father.Marcus Aurelius: You will not be emperor.Commodus: Which wiser, older man is to take my place?Marcus Aurelius: My powers will pass to Maximus, to hold in trust until the Senate is ready to rule once more. I will not believe that they fought and died for nothing. If youre very good, tomorrow night Ill tell you the story of Emperor Claudius. I will not trade one dictatorship for another.Maximus: The time for half measures and talk is over, Senator. I must go. They call for you. Fifty thousand Romans watching every movement of your sword, willing you to make that killer blow. Take away their freedom and still they'll roar. And what could be more glorious than to challenge the emperor himself in the great arena.Maximus: You would fight me?Commodus: Why not? : And as for you, you will love me as I loved you. Proximo: [to the gladiators, the crowd can be heard stamping their feet, cheering] Some of you are thinking you wont fight, some that you cant. Are you not entertained? " Gladiator had to be Maximus' journey, not the studio executives' journey. As for this young man, he insists you are Hector reborn. Emperor Aurelius urged Maximus to succeed him, but his sons greed betrayed his trust. But I do try to be a man for the people. Gracchus, 15. Others that you can't fight. It will lie at the bottom of the ocean as if wounded. Today I saw a slave become more powerful than the emperor of Rome. Lucilla, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'quoteambition_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',160,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');14. Commodus: What am I going to do with you, you simply wont die. Not yet.Maximus: Not yet. Maximus: Yes, I can speak for them.Maximus: You can buy my freedom and smuggle me out of Rome?Gracchus: To what end?Maximus: Get me outside the city walls. Even then it was as if you didn't want me for your son. If I can arrange it, will you meet him?Maximus: Do you not understand? Over one quarter of the World's population lived and died under the rule of the Caesars. They said you were a giant. I would have butcher the whole world if you would only love me! How can I reward Rome's greatest general? Valerius:Will they fight sir? We are nothing but dust and shadows. Are we so different, you and I? He knows too well how to manipulate the mob. He was a soldier of Rome. Leave your thoughts in the comments section below. Copyright 2023 | All Rights Reserved | All images are copyright of their respective owners | Stock images by Depositphotos, What we do in life echoes in eternity. Maximus (Gladiator), When a man sees his end, he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. - Marcus Aurelius (Gladiator), I knew a man who once said, Death smiles at us all. - Proximo Gladiator Quotes For Honor Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Are you not entertained?! NEXT: Like A Box Of Chocolates: 10 Wild Behind-The-Scenes Facts About Forrest Gump Whatever comes out of these gates, we've got a better chance of survival if we work together. "Though if you're the praying type, now might be a choicetime. He knew they were busy little bees. He normally wears robes befitting of a man of his station, yet tries to go out and beyond to portray himself as an elite. I'm required to kill, so I kill. I think you've been afraid all your life. [Marcus opens up his arms to Commodus and gives him a hug]. Maximus: Blessed father, watch over my wife and son with a ready sword. Commodus: [to Falco] And what of my nephew and what of his mother? A boys. Commodus: Why not? They all say that. : All a man can do is smile back.". Only a famous death will do. I know that you would die for honor, for Rome, for the memory of your ancestors. And the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. It rises. You do have a name. Commodus, 46. Maximus: My Lady.Lucilla: It was not always so.Maximus: Many things change.Lucilla: Many things, not everything. I want you to become the protector of Rome after I die. Maximus, let us whisper now, together you and I. Would I describe myself as relatively happy, I suppose, but society gets to me. Then perhaps Caesar will be so good as to teach us, out of his own extensive experience? Commodus: Check these quotes thatll remind you of epic battle scenes while teaching you a thing or two about life at the same time! Gladiator was a movie that took a long time to shoot and had a lot of moving parts, and tragically one of the main stars of the film died three weeks before filming actually concluded. - Maximus (Gladiator), 'Ultimately, we're all dead men. Marcus Aurelius is dead, Maximus. [Maximus releases his hold on her throat]. He's young, he may do very well. The slave who became a gladiator. I don't pretend to be a man of the people. Your constant scheming gives me even more of a headache! Do you remember what it was to have trust, Proximo? Gladiator (2000) Quotes Showing all 81 items Commodus : Rise. Lucius Verus: Proximo Hes young. Marcus Aurelius: Oh, I have wept.Maximus: My son was innocent.Lucilla: So is mine. You knew Marcus Aurelius? Maximus: The gladiator who defied an emperor. I was the best because the crowd loved me. Yes, and in a republic the senate has the power. I was the best because the crowd loved me. I find that amusing since it Marcus Aurelius, the wise, the all-knowing Marcus Aurelius, that closed us down. Conjure magic for them and they'll be distracted. Won't you accept this great honor that I have offered you? Is Rome worth one good man's life? Quotations from movies are repeated all the time in other movies, on television, in speeches and in day-to-day life, so having a good knowledge of good movie quotes (and having . Should they share her lovers fate or should I be merciful? We deal with a variety of issues on a daily basis, which causes us to lose hope. Quintus: There was once a dream that was Rome. They say, "No.". Brothers, what we do in life echoes in eternity. [Praetorians point their spears at the gladiators while the Colosseum crowd chants for them to live. I am tired of being strong. Gracchus: Have I missed it? Proximo Juba: [referring to the Colosseum] I didnt know men could build such things. Now even though Proximo's in the business of profiting from death, this slowly changes once Maximus comes into his life. Have I missed the battle?Marcus Aurelius: You have missed the war.Commodus: Father, congratulations. You sold me queer giraffes! The 61 Best Gladiator Quotes #2: Maximus: You would fight me? Maximus: Juba And the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. I think he could do very well.Gracchus: For Rome or for you? You may even begin to love them for that. What has he conquered?Falco: Give him time. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Proximo will be here t midnight and take you to the gate. We hope our collection taught you a valuable lesson about standing firm in the face of trials in life. A striking story. - Maximus (Gladiator). Senator Gracchus is to be reinstated. Boy?Maximus: You sent for me?Proximo: Yes I did. Some are good for fighting, others for dying. There is no one left to fight, sire. I salute you. You sold me queer giraffes. As Marcus' devious son Commodus ascends to the throne, Maxim Full production credits: "Learn from me. On Screen Text: I think I understand my own people. I will not make a martyr of him. One kind word, one full hug, where you pressed me to your chest and held me tight. Three weeks from now, I will be harvesting my crops. Juba: [to Maximus who has been captured] Dont die. Ive seen much of the rest of the world. If you believe that any Site Content infringes upon your copyright, please notify us by email Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. Maximus: Because that was a dying man's last wish. Commodus: Cicero: And one night he sat down with one of them and he looked at her and he said, "Tell me what you've been doing busy little bee or I shall strike down those dearest to you. It is brutal and cruel and dark, Rome is the light." Richard Harris - Marcus Aurelius Russell Crowe - Maximus [Tag: light, rome, world ] From the movie: Gladiator more on this quote "- Maximus: I am required to kill, so I kill. It's just a a wooden sword. Every day he lives, they grow bolder. You have not seen what it has become. Maximus: Do you find it hard to do your duty?Cicero: Sometimes I do what I want to do. proximo gladiator. . Proximo: [addressing his new slave recruits] I am Proximo. Commodus: [during the fight with Maximus] Quintus, sword! [Maximus looks at images of his wife and son]. But what has he conquered? Slave, you will remove your helmet and tell me your name. In the winter of 180 A.D., Emperor Marcus Aurelius' twelve-year campaign against the Barbarian Tribes in Germania was drawing to an end. Shadows and dust, Maximus! Quote Ambition is your source for quotes. Youve got very persuasive friends.Lucilla: My brothers had Gracchus arrested. Yes, you can help me. And you, you stay alive. A man's? He must kill your name before he kills you. (sighs) My brother hates all the world and you most of all. Two thousand will never leave this place. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. And your wife, moaned like a whore when they ravaged her again, and again, and again.Maximus: The time for honoring yourself will soon be at an end. Juba: [as Maximus kisses the figurines of his wife and son] Can they hear you?Maximus: Who?Juba: Your family, in the afterlife?Maximus: Oh, yes.Juba: What do you say to them ?Maximus: To my boy, I tell him I will see him again soon, to keep his heels down when hes riding his horse. Quintus:People should know when they are conquered. The silence before you strike. [sighs] Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. Lucilla: I said he touched me on the shoulder once! I am required to kill, so I kill. But as for me? [laughing] You dont find it hard to do your duty? Maximus, 49. Commodus: And the people that have mastered life seem to not care, and then they die, and then the grenade goes off. Our goal is to provide our readers with the best collections of quotes on topics like love, life, relationships and more. But now, the people want to know how the story ends. He was a soldier of Rome. You have proven your valor once again, Maximus. [Angry] My powers will pass to Maximus, to hold in trust until the Senate is ready to rule once more. People should know when they are conquered. : [holding up a sword] Thrust this into another man's flesh, and they will applaud and love you for that. Maximus: Marcus Aurelius is dead, Maximus. Proximo, 'Gladiator'. | [an unknown gladiator responds yes and tells Maximus he served under his command at Vindobona]. I must go. I wasnt the best because I killed quickly. for that. You have nothing to pay for. So, Spaniard. I will give them something they have never seen before.Proximo: Ha! The frost, it sometimes makes the blade stick. Falco: Marcus Aurelius: I wonder, did your friend smile at his own death? Commodus, 26. Who am I to trust?Maximus: I will kill Commodus.Proximo: Why do I want that. Three thousand of them are bloodied and cleaved. Commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Hmm? What am I going to do with you? Your fame is well deserved, Spaniard. Proximo: I have much to pay for. [Gladiators surround Maximus to carry him out of the arena]. Honor Maximus. Healing quotes. Listen to me. Maximus: Lean and hungry. Please be quiet, brother! And what could be more glorious than to challenge the Emperor himself in the great arena? : I didn't say I knew him, I said he touched me on the shoulder once! And what would you believe? Whisper to them that I live only to hold them again. Fifty-thousand Romans. A gladiator who defied an emperor. Commodus, 30. You loved my father, I know. And the noise afterwards. I still have difficulty imagining that.Maximus: You know dirt cleans off a lot easier than blood Quintus. Marcus Aurelius: I find that amusing since it Marcus Aurelius, the wise, the all-knowing Marcus Aurelius, that closed us down. I search the faces of the gods for ways to please you, to make you proud. Lucilla: But so did I. Stay with me! Lucilla: There are some politicians who have dedicated their lives to Rome. Prudent? Do you think I am afraid?Maximus: I think you have been afraid all your life.Commodus: Unlike Maximus the invincible, who knows no fear? 9. I think he could do very well. Falco, 34. Death smiles on us all. Quintus! That is enough. Maximus, 18. On that day. We darent wait any longer. 30 Conan the Barbarian Quotes to Become Stronger in Life, 60 Trying Quotes on Dedication and Perseverance. Give him time. Proximo It rises up like - like the - like a storm. I knew a man once who said, "Death smiles at us all. And the great whore will suckle us until we are fat and happy and can suckle no more. You asked me what I want. Master Lucius, it is time. If you're very good, tomorrow night I'll tell you the story of emperor Claudius who was betrayed by those closest to him, by his own blood. Maximus I was the best because the crowd loved me. : Lucilla squealed like a girl when they nailed him to the cross. As you did. Oh, I know that you are a man of your word, General. Commodus: So, finally after five years of scratching a living in flea-infested villages, we're finally going back to where we belong. Proximo: Never come here again. Goofs On Screen Text: My decision disappoints you? But some people chose to be gladiators out of the new meaning in life and the prestige this gave thema fame equal to being in the Roman army while only having to fight two, three times a year. Are you in danger of becoming a good man, Proximo? Oliver Reed (Proximo) Those giraffes you sold me, they won't mate. Proximo I will see you again. You take life when you have to, as I do. Marcus Aurelius: When was the last time you were home?Maximus: Two years, two hundred and sixty-four days and this morning. Maximus: [to the guard, referring to the sword] The frost, sometimes it makes the blade stick. : Will I be known as the philosopher? [just before he is stabbed by the guards]. Highness. | As I read the list, I knew I had none of them. The coliseum. Lucilla: Commodus: Quintus: I will not believe that they fought and died for nothing.Marcus Aurelius: And what would you believe?Maximus: They fought for you and for Rome.Marcus Aurelius: And what is Rome, Maximus?Maximus: Ive seen much of the rest of the world. Marcus Aurelius: I want my money back. Proximo: | Contact Us Maximus Give him time, Gracchus. Proximo's first encountered while drinking a beverage in a cafe in Africa. 2. Lucius Verus: Oh, Commodus. Boy? He was betrayed, by those closest to him, by his own blood, they whispered in dark corners and went out late at night and conspired and conspired. It is brutal and cruel and dark, Rome is the light. Maximus, 12. Marcus Aurelius: They fought for you and for Rome. : Lucilla: What did my father want with you?Maximus: To wish me well before I leave for home.Lucilla: Youre lying, I could always tell when you were lying because you were never any good at it.Maximus: I never acquired your comfort with it.Lucilla: True, but then you never had to, life is more simple for a soldier. [they exchange a long tender kiss]. Marcus Aurelius: You would have been strong. Lucius Verus: Sometimes I do what I want to do. The film. Why doesn't the hero reveal himself and tell us all your real name? He watches Maximus refuse to train with the others, and ultimately tells Hagen to stop hitting him. I am dying, Maximus. And the noise afterwards. I was the best because the crowd loved me. He must kill your name before he kills you. Juba, if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'quoteambition_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_11',162,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-quoteambition_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');21. Proximo : Congratulations, you have very persuasive friends. Amused, Maximus complies, Lucius smiles, and points to the art on Maximus' armor, the negotiator is riding headless towards the army, Maximus is about to ride out with the cavalry to fight the barbarians, Upon seeing the Coliseum for the first time, Critics' Choice Movie Award for Best Picture. He himself was a Gladiator who was freed by the Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius. Hold the line! Maximus : My name is Gladiator. To my wifethat is not your business. Maximus, 36. Would I? No Roman army has entered the capital in a hundred years. Ultimately, we're all dead men. Ha! Maximus Proximo: There is always someone left to fight. : Maximus This is Argento, and this is Scarto. " That was hard for them to accept because they saw Maximus as an imaginary character with more of a "hero overcoming adversity ending." The screenwriter expressed his consternation about the current state of the film industry. Proximo: And then, when enough men have died, perhaps you will have your freedom. Resourcefulness, courage, perhaps not on the battlefield, but there are many forms of courage. Commodus: Maximus: We believed it once. They are worth more than we are. Proximo Chosen from AMONG the people. We must leave tonight. Your family will meet you in the afterlife. Ill do a special price for you! I wanted to be alluring, passionate, and mysterious, someone men found irresistible Jessica Angelina Birch, As I grew older, I worked less as an actor and as a model, and I went back to what I had tried to do when I was young but wasn't really available. Juba: Its somewhere out there, my country, my home. The slave who became a gladiator. Maximus: [to the crowd] Are you not entertained?! Marcus Aurelius: You have proved your valor, yet again Maximus. Maximus: And just as your mother was there at your beginning, I shall be there at your end. : I paid it so that I might profit from your death. You can help me. And you, stay alive, or I'll be dead. You must know. All a man can do is smile back." - Marcus Aurelius 24. Marcus Aurelius: 1. There is no one left to fight, sire. Maximus, 42. Imagine where you will be, and it will be so. This is not it!Proximo: Marcus Aurelius is dead Maximus. My daughter is carrying water from the river. A boy's [Lucius smiles, and points to the art on Maximus' armor]. Proximo passes Maximus the keys, allowing the former general to initiate his plan against Commodus. Honor him.Gracchus: Who will help me carry him? [Angry] I will give them something they've never seen before. Lucius will stay with me now and if his mother so much as looks at me in a manner that displeases me, he will die. When a man sees his end, he wants to know there was some purpose to his life. I shall sacrifice a hundred bulls to honor your triumph.Marcus Aurelius: Save the bulls. You sold me queer giraffes! Top Proximo Gladiator Quotes It is by being fully involved with every detail of our lives, whether good or bad, that we find happiness, not by trying to look for it directly. And you won your freedom? Proximo, a slave trader from the film said; "Some of you are thinking that you won't fight. You need both, I think. Father. Commodus, 23. Others that you can't fight. Resourcefulness, courage, perhaps not on the battlefield, but there are many forms of courage. I will kill Commodus, the fate of Rome, I leave to you.Gracchus: Marcus Aurelius trusted you. He then raises his fist and reluctantly gives the thumbs-up signal, after swiftly dispatching another gladiator, Marcus Aurelius tries to comfort Commodus by reaching out his hand to touch him on the face but Commodus pulls his head away from Marcus Aurelius' hand in disgust, Marcus opens up his arms to Commodus and gives him a hug, Commodus begins to asphyxiate Marcus while they hug, Marcus grunts, as an executioner tries to draw his sword but can't, Maximus looks at images of his wife and son, Maximus pauses, then turns around and walks away, first lines, the text that appears on screen, Gladiators surround Maximus to carry him out of the arena, during the fight with Maximus, Commodus loses his sword, Lucilla tries to convince Maximus to conspire with Senator Gracchus, an unknown gladiator responds yes and tells Maximus he served under his command at Vindobona, Inspecting the gladiators through the bars, Lucius notices Maximus and motions him closer. 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