Research Special Endurance workouts and come up with a plan. Rest In the special and specific period there is more focus on speed from 400m-3k pace. An athletic basketball small forward or guard, or a high speed wide receiver come to mind. 15: Plyometrics+8x100m fast strides. 40 min easy Training is not to replace, but to add as Renato Canova says. But you will have shorter restitution time after the session and more energy for the speed sessions. Quality weekly sessions dedicated to drills and technique. The 40 Yard Dash in the NFL is a 4+ second, power-based sprint that can be completed WITHOUT breathing. And you can never lose your endurance, even during the specific period if you want to run your best performance. Strides also build leg strength over months and years. Read Highly Intelligent Training (Livingstone), No Bugles, No Drums (Snell), or Running to the Top (Lydiard) to expand your understanding of aerobic development at an Olympic level. 8 min set rec. You dont need to do much but include at least some flexibility, core strength and leg strength in your training program. We often use a 14 day schedule. During the base training the goal is not to try to run faster on the intervals. The 800 and 1500m events are analyzed in detail to provide an understanding of what is required to race and win. The same principles apply to the medium length intervals and short aerobic intervals. Become familiar with the importance of neuromuscular coordination development and plan it into your program all year. 11. Start at 5K pace and gradually get down to 3K pace work by Week 19. Special period: Weeks 8-21: Moderate and heavy VO2 pace (5K and 3K) type work. Just like a car, if you increase the gas, but don`t change gear, your car will suffer. So in a training cycle of 7-14 days you must train to improve all these qualities. 800m & 1500m Middle Distance Programs Speedcity Athletics Squad Training offer prebuilt programs for specific events and sports. This training is even beneficial for long distance runners. Strength training should be running specific and be done with a fast explosive execution. 105-110% of Race pace. We often measure it with a Flying 30 Sprint. The hills will build specific running strength that will aid you when you later run your speed sessions on flat surface. 8x100m flat @ 90-95% effort. Plyometric training: Increasing the length of the intervals: (multi pace training) But is not combined in any race specific way. 2. It is important for us to grasp which energy system contributes to the success of the event we are training for. 8x200m 2 min rec. 8x400m 90 sec rec. That means if you dont feel fresh enough to do the session at the exact pace because of tiredness or some other reason, its better to grant yourself another easy jog day than trying to push yourself through the session unable to run at 95%-105% of race pace. Find some reliable sources and continue to study the event, while learning from those who excel at each level (HS, College, and Pro). This athlete may be running well in cross country, basketball, or soccer - accumulating the aerobic base / mileage needed to build a powerful aerobic approach to the 800m. Keep good all round strength for injury prevention and performace. 4. MIDDLE DISTANCE (800-1500M) BASE TO RACE - HIGH-LEVEL PERFORMANCE Plan Description This 20 week plan, with tune up races, is for the aspirational higher-level middle-distance male/female performer who is looking to bridge the gap to elite level performance sub 1:50/2:04 800m or sub 3:46/4:081500m. Speed training: 5x1000m 2 min rec. 2. If you train for example endurance for a long time and neglecting the other qualities your performance will not be optimal. In college, the athlete does not fit in perfectly with the speed or endurance folks, but he / she will excel in the 800m and find their niche on the team. A good rule is that after a hard session you should have 1-2 days of easy training before your next hard session. Progresses to 1215 sec hill sprints. 1 x 600m at 800m race pace, then add on some 200s. 2. General Prep . We have three EXCELLENT ARTICLES that explain VO2Max concepts in detail. Lactic Acid Present in Blood (not a completely accurate term): Explore the concepts here. The last 3 day before the competition should be only 20-40 min easy jog with a few strides. Worth considering, we (CTC) care about Max Velocity for all 5000m runners and below. Speed: 8x150m rest= 3 min (1500m) Girls Football Final - about 10 weeks later. The specific sessions (short and medium length intervals, 200-600m) in this period should be run at a pace of 95%-105% of your current race pace. 1500 / 1600 Meter Training Plans The Metric Mile, 1500 meters, Mile, 1600, or 1609: The distance means different things to different people. I am not a big fan of medium paced runs in intensity zone 2 for the 400m/800m runner. 15.63s (100%)/ 14.89s(105%) x 4 = 62.5-59.5 sec on 400m. 5. 3. Here is what a sample schedule may look like. Some nastier hill sessions: 8 x 400 at 93%, for example. To run a good 800m you need both speed and endurance. 16: 50 min easy jog. And the total volume of interval work is reduced compared to the fundamental and special period. You also need to prepare your body to maintain proper running form. 2 min recovery (400m pace) So the 2 bases comes very close to each other in terms of pace during the specific period with many spesific session at 95-105% of race pace. It is relatively important to the Type II 800m runner as well, even though he / she may not be able to hang with the sprinters. About. Coach Urban's motto: Champions are everywhere, They will improve on this type of training, but the 400/800m type with the same coach will not improve, and probably quit training or changing coach. You get efficient at running at different paces, keeps variation in your training and avoids staleness. Increase the length of repeats, running at the same pace. A new HS runner should allow at least two seasons of work to get to these volumes. Before You Start 8. RPE 5. The 2-4 weeks should consist of only easy jogging, strides and some short hills sprints. Now you are gradually backing down from the VO2 work and Tempo work. Failing to understand this can lead to injuries and poor performance. Monday morning is tracks training, concentrating on running and drills, following by an easy loosener run later in the day. High School Runners: Just because you are the fastest 400m, 200m, or 1500m runner at your school does not mean you are fast. Look at the rankings on Milesplit or to see your ranking in the 400 or 1500. Examples of race specific training sessions during the specific period: 1. The 400m/800m type is the person that has a very fast 400m pb, a good 800m pb, and a somewhat poor 1500m pb compared to the level at the 400m and 800m pb. Example of training program in the special period: 1. ( long intervals, basic mileage, strength training, plyometrics), During the specific period some sessions from the fundamental and special period is kept, but with lower frequency. I have not invented anything myself, but I have taken what I have considered the best advice and made it into a system that most people can follow. Example of sessions: 2 min rest +general strength/core (3k pace) It's based offGreg's theory and philosophy and for the first time, he's opening up an opportunity to dig deep into some of exercises, training parameters, and the type of environment he use to build champions. Room Circuit Training one day/week - Start of season: Long hills (100m in length) Different quantities depending on preseason training 2 groups: 9/10 and 11/12 Alternate which does hills first 2-3 coaches at the hill (JOG to and from hill = mile) - Coach selects partners or small groups This VO2 work will drop off over the last 6 weeks of the season, but it should be a focus now. For example running long threshold sessions and doing 90 minutes long runs for a 400m/800m type will not be optimal training for him/her, but can be good training for the 800m/1500m type. This approach does not work for colleges, where 800m runners compete for Indoor League Championships in late February, and then for Outdoor Leagues in early May. Start with three 400m runs at a pace a little faster than 1500m, with 5mins recovery after each. Example a 800m runner should focus on paces ranging from 400m pace to 5-10k pace in their training. Up to today, Greg is still mentored by some of the top coaches in the world. She knew how it was going to feel in that last lap because she has been there before. Allow recovery time from weight training. As a general rule this should be your training paces: *Easy regeneration running (Slower than 50% of 800m pace) You need some mileage, both recovery miles and aerobic miles. 6. Recovery . Continue with much of the previous work and progress toward the more challenging speed sessions. Sunday is rest or active recovery or Yoga. In my 100m/200m sprint training program, you will learn how to reach your potential with proven track workouts and strength training workouts that are designed . 3. During the special period some sessions from the fundamental period is kept. These specific aspects include: racespecific goal setting, understanding the rhythm of the race, understanding race strategy, developing an ability to "race" and respond, and being able to cope with pain. 800m-Mile, Coaching, Track & Field, Training. Strength training: 3k,1500m,800m Training Plan [Deleted User] March 2011 in Training Hi There, My name is Samantha, i am 19 and i have been running for about 1yr now but not competitively. 2x(3x300m) 3 min rec. Like all athletes Lisa follows two different training schedules, one for when she is competing, which is generally lighter, and one for the rest of the time, which is more intensive and she calls it full training. I am okay if one block gets shortened to 16 weeks. Running the intervals faster, but with longer recovery and reduced total volume. Explosive strength is important for 800m runners and plyometric exercises will have a positive impact on the performance. Plyometric training: All vital components of event training are included from fitness testing, mental conditioning, and multi-pace training to post-event analysis. For 800m runner its more important to have developed a high Vo2 max rather than a high anaerobic threshold. Progresses to 7x250m with 2 min rec. 3k pace If you started your 200s in early season as 12 x 200 @ 32 / 35, you should be closer to 12 x 200 @ 29 / 32 by Week 10. Progresses to 2x(3x300m) 2 min 30 sec rec. Strides: Strides are fast runs at short distances that many athletes do multiple times per week - usually during warm-ups or at the end of a workout. Example of training program in the fundamental period: 1: 5x1000m 2 min recovery + general strength/core (5-10k pace) So first you need to figure out what type of 800m runner you are and then train accordingly. Lisa does not follow a high protein diet like sprinters require, she just eats a balanced healthy diet, and treats herself every now and then. Dont forget that Strides are still happening regularly. 60-90 sec rec. Anaerobic Alactic - no oxygen, effective for about 8 seconds. (3-4 months). Progresses to 2x(2x400m) 3 min rec. Lower volume of sets and reps and high weights. 1. 7: 1 hour easy. 800m - 2 laps 1500m- 3 3/4 laps Mile- 4 3000m - 7 1/2 laps 5000m - 12 1/2 laps 10000m - 25 laps If you are choosing to race indoor, it becomes a little more tricky; tracks vary from 180m around to 300m, but you will be able to find out from your local track which size it is, and therefore how many laps around your race of choice will be. Most Type II runners will need it as well, but you will find a few exceptions - people who dominate with massive aerobic power. An example of a middle distance training programme which might be done by a Junior athlete training 3 times a week. 8x150m 3 min rec. Also remember that each pace works as a support for running at the other paces. 4-6 Weeks . The goal is not to create as much force as possible (maximum strength) but create a lot of force within a short period of time (Rate of force development). This run proves beneficial for most athletes to raise aerobic system / endurance attributes. Full speed. Some folks may speculate that it is a 40 / 60 split in either direction. Type I Athlete: Does the 800m runner have excellent / respectable 400m or 200m speed? The goal in this period is NOT to try to run faster on you intervals, but rather increase the number of intervals, increase the length of intervals or reduce recovery as you get fitter. Speed training becomes longer up to 150m and is done on track. In this program you will get: 32 weeks of high quality training for the 800m event. The 28 year old from Ashford is coached byRicky Soos and has also been under thetutelageofGeorge Gandy, who she describes as a bit of a character (he also trained Seb Coe a few years back, introducing him to new weight training methods to improve his running) and also Stella Bandu (an endurance and steeplechase coach based in Ashford). You can get about 3 HARD days per week, including race days. Intense, but effective! That means in the season you will have to add specific training sessions, but you must still use some sessions from you base training also during this period. I started to take Spatone before the Olympics in 2008 which has really helped my iron levels. That means that increasing performance in the long intervals will have a positive influence on the amount of work and speed of your medium and short intervals. Start with Lactate Threshold #1, then read #2, then read #3. 10: 50 min easy jog Short aerobic intervals (200-300m) Pace may be 32 / 35 (Men / Women) during these weeks, but will progressively get faster as the competitive season approaches. Grant yourself another easy day, and do the hard day the next. 4: 2600+2600+2600 rest= 3 and 6 (3600m) This slightly drops to 85-95km in race preparatory phase, and drops a bit lower in the week of an important race. and 1500/300m speed. Tempo runs aka threshold runs: This guide will be more practical. Strides are helpful to support the development of neuromuscular coordination. RPE of 5-7. Her full training week starts with a one long run of 90 minutes every Sunday (shorter in winter). 5: 50 min easy + short hill sprints There are some GREAT 800m runners who have very little use or emphasis for traditional long runs. 4 days before the competition I advice to just do 8x150m at slightly faster speed than race pace and with 3 minutes recovery. Examples on how you can progress the long aerobic intervals during the special period: 1: 51000/5x1200m at increasing speed per rep and per 400/rest 2+3+4+5 (5000-6000m) 8. 7x600m 2 min recovery. Progresses to 8x200m with 90 sec rec. Short and medium Intervals become gradually faster with gradually reduced volume, and longer rec between repetitions. 8-10x150m. In the last week before a competition you dont have the time to really improve any quality, so the goal is just to be well rested on the competition day. The Anaerobic Energy System may be sub-divided into the following systems: Anaerobic Glycolytic - no oxygen, effective for less than 2 minutes. I'd do intervals of anything from 30 seconds up to three minutes. Hill sessions can get a longer and slower during this period. Specific period. 50 min easy jog You are welcome to email our coaching staff for a free consultation / discussion about your goals: Otherwise, explore our site and make use of the information and videos. In the special period its a high frequency of training at paces close to or right at 800m pace. 5:00 Rec. So her magic workout leading up to her 1500m world record was 6 x 800m at 1500m race pace with 2 minutes recovery. William Bowerman, The Bowerman System,(1983) Dr. Donald Chu, Plyometric Exercises (1989) Dr. Jack Daniels, (1998) William H. Freeman, Peak When it Counts (1989) Clyde Hart, 400Meters Training (Track and Field Quarterly Review, Spring 1993, p.23-28) Andy Higgins and Zoltan Tenke, Medicine Ball Training (1992) Videos Clyde Hart, Baylor"s Dynamic 400 Meter Training Track your weight, sleep, hours, fatigue and stress while you train. After this period, volumes are going down slightly and intensities are continuing to rise. In HS, many sprinters have no desire to do the demanding endurance work that they see the distance team doing. Most of you interval training should be at a controlled pace, where you are running within your own limits. 3x400m @ 95-105% of Race pace. ( 10k to 1500m pace) Special period. Keep you easy days very easy, better to go abit too slow than to fast. Mary Moraa (Kenya) won the women's 800 meters using the strangest tactics any of us had ever seen. The purpose of these is increase the Vo2 max and anaerobic threshold but at a more specific speed than the longer intervals. The ideal situation would be to arrive at the top of the various types of training at high intensity before entering competitions and the specific period. Athletes train hard. 60 sec recovery + general strength/core (1500m/3k pace) The hip and core strength will also be useful for injury prevention. Specific training (speak to an athletics coach) is more important than the type of protein. Strength, power, and conditioning workouts. 12: 50 min easy jog/alternative training On Wednesdays she starts with a short run of about half an hour, then an easy run in the afternoon / evening. 3x400m 5 min rec. 5 min rec. In such a way, the largest increase in the training structure took place in the preparatory distances for the 800m, without overlooking the special means for the 400m. 50 min easy jog The 1500-meter is a popular middle distance track event in track and field competitions, from youth participation all the way up to the Olympic level. 2x(5300) rest=1+2+3+4 and 6 (3000m) In addition, 800-m runners perform more strength, power and plyometric training than 1500-m runners. 800m - 1600m Race Paces: Used in training for 200m repeats or similar work. Then two 400m runs at 800m pace with 1 minute recovery between them, with 10 minutes recovery period. 11: 10-1515-20 sec hill sprints + leg strength (400-800m pace) She also loves chocolate well, she owns50% of a chocolate shop in Loughborough. (95%-105% of race pace) 10. 5x1000m 2 min rec. Monday: PM: 6km Easy, 7x80m hill sprints, strength. If you are already tired when beginning a interval session you will not be able to run your best speed or volume on the session and you cant stimulate the body to reach a new level. If there is a longer period of time without competition you can also go back to train 2-3 week of training from the special period, with less intensity and larger volume than in the specific period. Schedule for a middle distance athlete aiming to run 2min 25secs (girl) and 2min 05 (boy) for 800m, 5min 04secs (girl) and 4min 20 (boy) for 1500m. The methods are not exact and not applicable to all runners. It is also equal to 1.5 kilometers. Trying to advance or qualify. I dont think there is any need of running longer than 1 hour for the 800m runner. Later in the training these 2 bases are getting more connected. 5/10k pace Track sessions often involve interval training. 12. Here you will find articles and advice on getting fit, weight training, diet and nutrition, all of which can aid weight loss. 2. 8x150m progresses to 150m-200m-150m-200m-150m-200m-150m. Sources. 3000m, 1500m, Mile, etc Run a 5000 around Week 15, maybe not for time, but very hard. The goal of these short uphill sprints is to recruit as many muscle fibres as possible, so you need to run it at a 95-100% intensity with good recoveries. There is a helpful information on the website that addresses nutrition as well. So you need to keep some of these sessions from the earlier phases of training even in the competition period but with less frequency. In 2008 she was ranked fourth in the world for the 1500m. We can measure intensity by the pace of the run, heartbeats per minute, lactic acid present in the blood, or rated / relative perceived effort. The medium length intervals works as an aerobic support for your short intervals. As we prepare for the 800m and up, the aerobic system begins to play a vital role in an athletes success. Training is not to replace, but to add as Canova says. The second outing to be held on April 29-30 will involve 200m butterfly, 50m freestyle, 100m backstroke, and 200m breaststroke events while the third league outing due in September will have 1500m . They had exceptional middle endurance capabilities that allowed them to excel in the event. (95%-105% of race pace). (1500m/3k pace) Especially for the fast type of runner. Wilson Kipketer. 85% of RP =15.63/0.85=18.39 sec per 100m Which paces you should focus most on depends on your racing distance. 4. 400m - 500m Race Paces: These paces are used early on in a hot 800 to get in front of the pack / out of traffic. Access your training plan anywhere on the TrainingPeaks mobile and desktop apps. Introductive period: Introductive period: Visit family and friends, vacation, etc.. Try to diminish any weak points you have. High School: 18-30 miles per week, 32-46 weeks of the year. 800m pace Introductive period. This period is important to have to charge your physical and mental energy after a long season with competitions. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. 1015 sec hill sprints. Basically, you are getting some tough long sprint workouts to get the athlete used to the pain of the 800m. Good luck! Because wheelchair racers have similar speeds throughout their competitive distances, it is possible that wheelchair athletics will become more popular in the future. Ill also refer to this idea as Training Density (my term). 50 min easy jog 7x600m. Full speed. 9. 4. The 800m athlete should focus on leg strength training, mostly 1 legged exercises, hip strength and core training. Begin to master your pace without destroying yourself - technical proficiency. 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